Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2023: University of Gdańsk - 200 places up! The best in Poland!

Advancement by 200 places, highest position among Polish universities - this is how the University of Gdańsk consolidates its strong leadership position in Poland in the most prestigious, comprehensive and growing global Times Higher Education Impact Rankings. It assesses universities in terms of their commitment to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. The latest results were published on June 1, 2023.

The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings is among the most prestigious rankings with an area of strategic interest for many universities.

Thanks to the university authorities' consistently pursued strategy of sustainable development, the idea of an open and socially responsible university, as well as support for activities concerning gender equality - the University of Gdańsk not only strengthens its position as a leader in this area among Polish universities but also consistently raises its ranking in relation to other universities on a global scale - emphasises Rector prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski.


General classification

Among all universities competing in THE Impact 2023 ranking, the University of Gdańsk moves up by 200 positions in the overall ranking compared to last year, making spectacular progress and moving up from the 201-300 range to 13th place globally in the implementation of Goal 5. Gender Equality (the highest ranking any Polish university has achieved in the entire history of the ranking), a strong position falling in the 101-200 range in Goals: 16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions; 14. Underwater life. By contrast, in the first reported objective, 7. Clean and accessible energy, and 10. Less inequality UG scored in the 201-300 range. The university also ranks highly in the other reported objectives: the 301-400 range for objectives: 4. Good quality education, 8. Economic growth and decent work, 11. Sustainable cities and communities, and 13. Climate action and a significant promotion from a range of 601-800 to 301-400 for goal 17. Partnerships for the goals.

In the current edition of the Impact ranking, 1591 HEIs participated (1406 HEIs last year) from 112 countries/regions worldwide. In the context of an increase in the number of participants by almost 200, the mere promotion of the University of Gdańsk by 200 positions to the 401-600 range is a huge success. And this is just one of many reasons to be proud.


Nationwide classification

Of the 13 goals we tackled, in 3 cases, we were ranked the highest among Polish universities (in goals: 1. Ending poverty, 5. Gender equality and 14. Underwater life). In 4 cases, UG was ranked 2nd in Poland (goals: 4. Good Quality Education, 7. Clean and Accessible Energy, 16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions and 17. Partnership for the Goals), and in 2 cases, ranked 3rd among national universities (Goals: 10. Less Inequality and 13. Climate Action). This means that out of the 13 parameters assessed, we stand on the podium in 9 cases.

13th position in the world and the highest position in Poland in terms of the implementation of Objective 5. Gender equality - these achievements were gained by the University of Gdańsk thanks to the actions taken to promote the presence of women in science and the broader life of the university. The situation of women at our university was comprehensively diagnosed in a report published in 2020 entitled 'Women in Science. Managing diversity and gender equality in the University of Gdańsk social responsibility'. The report identified needs and outlined objectives, which were described in detail in the 'Plan for the implementation of gender equality policy at the University of Gdańsk', published at the end of 2021, presenting equality measures planned for the years 2022-2023. Implementing postulates from both documents brings results recognised by ranking agencies, including the Impact Ranking 2023.

In addition, the University of Gdańsk has research projects such as MINDtheGEPs gender equality in research, ResBios or ACT, funded by the EU Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for research and innovation. These projects conduct research and produce reports on gender equality at our university. Such activities systematically build awareness of the need to empower women and to care for equal opportunities in society.

As part of these activities, a 'Women in Science' website dedicated to female scientists and administrators from the University of Gdańsk has been set up at the university, one of the few in Poland and the only one among Pomeranian universities. Another aspect of these activities is the exhibition 'Pioneers, researchers, leaders. Women of Gdańsk science' and accompanying thematic debates. Let us recall that this initiative was awarded in the competition for the Fahrenheit University Prizes.

One of the fundamental areas of the implementation and execution of the Gender Equality Plan is monitoring gender balance indicators at universities. At the University of Gdańsk, data on the above-mentioned indicators are collected and interpreted continuously by the Rector's Representative for Gender Equality Monitoring, specially appointed for this purpose.


Maintaining the leading position among 23 Polish universities is undoubtedly a great success for the entire community of our University. It is also a signal that we are better and better at understanding and responding to the needs of the present day, that the vision of the University of Gdańsk as a responsible and socially engaged university, which intensively develops relations with various stakeholders and involves the broadest possible group of Pomeranian residents and institutions operating here in the process of creating, transferring and disseminating knowledge for the common good, is becoming a reality.

The University of Gdańsk has prepared a report for the 13th out of 17 Goals of the Agenda for Sustainable Development, and the condition for being ranked in the Impact ranking is to prepare a report for a minimum of 4 goals, out of 17 (goal No. 17. Partnership for Goals, is obligatory). Such a comprehensive report, prepared by the University of Gdańsk, is a testimony of a mature, conscious and highly competent look at the entirety of activities and actions in the context of widely understood aspects of sustainable development. 

The data presented in THE Impact ranking is a full spectrum of organisational, research and educational activities of the universities, submitted to the organiser after a thorough analysis of all the university's activities (both in the context of conducted research, education and activities in terms of cooperation with the socio-economic environment or the university's actions as an employer).

The results for the University of Gdańsk in implementing individual objectives and the aggregate results of Polish universities in THE Impact Ranking 2023 are presented in the tables attached. An analysis of the University of Gdańsk's results in individual sustainability issues and the results of Polish universities in this ranking will be devoted to another article, which we will soon publish.


Full results are available at:


Ranking methodology:


Katarzyna Gregorowicz - Bielawska/Office of Analyses and Expertise